Sunday, May 9, 2010

Monitoring the Maury and the James

By Dave Sligh

I'm glad to report that I found no dead fish or any signs of infected fish in recent trips to the Maury River and the James near Glasgow. There have been a number of sightings on the Maury in past years, so I was worried about what I might find. Also, I heard of no problems from people fishing that day and had pretty good reports on their success.

Below are some photos from the Maury on that day:

Here are some views of the James along a stretch near Glasgow:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave, Great Pictures, and glad to hear that you found no fish kill this trip. How often to you come through the Scottsville area? How can folks in Scottsville connect to this effort, help, monitor, etc.? Could we work up a presentation for our local Farmer's Market one Saturday this summer?
