Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Envision the James-Get ready!

Envision the James is a multi-year, collaborative project that invites communities and individuals to get involved in creating a common vision for the river to benefit present and future generations. The visioning process will work with the local communities to enhance local heritage and river-based tourism, recreational trails and river access, conservation efforts and restoration efforts, and wildlife habitat throughout the James River watershed.

The James River Association (JRA) is holding meetings up and down the James River watershed hoping people from their area will take ownership of their communities and contribute a local vision to the riverfront planning. JRA has joined forces with the National Geographic Society and the Chesapeake Conservancy to come to your community and find out what ideas you and your local leaders have in mind along the riverfront.

Please get involved with Envision the James by attending an upcoming community meeting and experience new interactive mapping and multimedia tools developed by National Geographic that allow you to understand the river in a new way, sharing your discoveries and opinions along the way!

Envision the James meetings will be fun, informal, and interactive. We are looking forward to introducing the project and getting to know everyone who loves the James and is invested in its future. Whether or not you can make it to the meetings, visit and sign up to get updates on the project and learn about National Geographic Maps tools as they are launched. Check out the calendar for a meeting that works for you, and we’ll be seeing you soon!

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