Thursday, April 5, 2012

April Showers Mean This is the Perfect Time to Install a Rain Barrel!

Rain barrels are becoming an increasingly popular method of collecting and re-using rainwater and are a simple, inexpensive way to help reduce water pollution in the James River.  Using rain barrels reduces the amount of stormwater and nonpoint pollution (nutrients and sediment) leaving your property.  To learn how much pollution and runoff leaves your property annually, visit  

If you’re trying to decide if a rain barrel is right for you, consider these facts:
  1. Rainwater is free of the chemicals that are conventionally added to water at municipal water treatment plants. Rain barrel water is not safe for drinking, but it can be used for watering gardens, filling ponds and bird baths, washing cars and rinsing off muddy shoes and paws. 
  2.  Using a rain barrel decreases your utility bills! Lawn and garden usage makes up nearly 40% to 50% of total household water usage during the summer. 
  3.  Rain barrels come in a variety of shapes and sizes, can be easily purchased through many nonprofits organizations, localities, or individual retailers and can be customized to fit your aesthetic needs. The average 55 gallon barrel costs between $35 and $65. 
  4.  Rain barrels are inexpensive to purchase and maintain. They don’t require pumps or moving parts that would require service. To winterize, you simply drain the barrel and move it out from under the gutter pipe. 
  5.  Depending on where you live, your locality may offer an incentive or credit to homeowners who install rain barrels. 
  6.  The James River Association wants to give YOU a FREE rain barrel!
Yes, free! As part of our new River Hero Homes program, JRA is sponsoring a rain barrel workshop contest. The rules are simple. All you need to do is identify a group of 12 to 20 homeowners who are interested in making their home certified River Hero Home and would like to install rain barrels as their project. Each workshop participant must complete a River Hero Homes application and submit it with the workshop contest entry form. Winning groups will be contacted by JRA to schedule their workshop. Each person listed on the entry form will receive one free rain barrel and will be able to purchase additional barrels at a reduce rate. For more information on River Hero Homes and the Rain Barrel Workshop Contest, visit

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